Preprint: Details in the surface hopping algorithm

Having discussed the influence of electronic structure methods in surface hopping dynamics in the last post and paper, we can now proceed to the surface hopping algorithm itself. To our surprise, algorithmic details such as the decoherence correction (energy-based decoherence or augmented FSSH), momentum rescaling and the treatment of frustrated hops can make a big difference. This is what we investigated in our new preprint “Strong Influence of Decoherence Corrections and Momentum Rescaling in Surface Hopping Dynamics of Transition Metal Complexes” available on ChemArxiv.

To have a well-defined reference, we used our new implementation of vibronic coupling models for surface hopping, which allows us to have a one-to-one comparison with accurate quantum dynamics computed at the MCTDH level of theory. As model system, we used a rhenium complex and studied its ultrafast intersystem crossing dynamics from the singlet to the triplet manifold following previous studies by our collaborators in Strasbourg [JCTC (2017), PCCP (2018)].